Specialist Family Law Solicitors 
In some ways, a divorce can seem like a bereavement, with the death of a relationship, loss of a partner and all of the dreams and ambitions that went with it. That’s why divorce counts as one of life’s most stressful events. And that’s why you need the right legal advice from the right solicitor. And if you live in the Warminster area, our team can help.
£600 Fixed Fee Divorce Service
April 1, 2022, saw the 1st changes in divorce law in 50 years.
In short, “no blame” divorce was introduced, with the possibility of a joint application for divorce. Both the procedure and the terminology have been simplified and streamlined.
As a result of this simplification, our family lawyers now offer a fixed-price divorce.
Click here to read more about our £600 Fixed Fee Divorce Service – please note this fixed price service is limited to to the divorce itself only – it doesn’t include advice on children or financial issues and excludes the court fee.
Our approach to divorce and family breakdown
Our team can handle every legal aspect of your of your relationship breakdown. Whether it involves divorce proceedings, children’s issues, civil partnership dissolution or simply a break up with the partner you have been living with, our team has the experience for advice you can rely on to get you the right deal for you.
We will actively listen to your concerns, discuss the options available to you and support you throughout.
Here at Bonallack & Bishop we believe that confrontation is to be avoided whenever possible when dealing with family breakdown. Too many people, and sadly some lawyers as well, look at the end of a marriage as a war to be won. Getting legal advice from a solicitor isn’t a case of ‘suing’ someone .
Our team see it quite differently – as a problem that the whole family need to be solved. We have a successful record in reaching financial agreements, without the need to go to court -and that means our clients avoid costly legal fees, lengthy delays and increased stress.
And with divorce lawyers in two of our offices, in Amesbury and Salisbury, both close to Warminster, our team are ready to help you cope with your divorce.
Your divorce – dealing with family finances
Dividing the assets can often be the most difficult part in divorce.
Pensions, savings, trusts, wills, property, investments; in the absence of a prenuptial agreement, these are all considered to be family assets – and as result will be available for distribution between the parties on divorce.
Although the Courts have a long list of factors to take into account, and each case varies, the Courts are obliged to ensure that any divorce settlement is fair.
Thankfully, most financial settlements in divorce settle without going to trial, sometimes by negotiation between divorce solicitors (after exchanging financial information with the other side) and sometimes, after issuing Court proceedings (for what is known as Ancillary Relief).
If a couple agree on how to distribute their property in a divorce, application can be made to the court for a consent order, without need for a court hearing.
A consent order will often contain a ‘clean-break’ clause, which means that the order is final and stops either party making any further claims against the other arising out of the divorce, or against their estate should anything happen to them. This is known as a clean-break order.
Click here to find out more about how the courts approach divorce financial settlements.
Family mediation and collaborative law – could one of these approaches help you?
Sadly divorce can often be an acrimonious and time-consuming process, which is why our solicitors are so keen to explore alternative methods of dispute resolution such as family mediation and collaborative law where appropriate.
Using the family mediation or the collaborative law approach, when possible, we try to help the parties involved sort things out between themselves without making an application to court. Many of our clients have found both of these approaches to be cheaper, more amicable and swifter alternatives to court based divorce.
Our expert divorce team (family law is all they do) includes a fully accredited collaborative lawyer.
However, we do understand that communication between spouses can be strained, so sadly mediation simply doesn’t work for everyone.
And in some cases, where the other side or their lawyer is behaving too aggressively, we may need to really fight your corner – our team are more than able to do that, but only if necessary.
Whatever you have to contend with, it’s reassuring to know you’ve got the very best in professional advice and support on your side.
Click here to learn more about how family mediation works and how it could help you
Free 1/2 hour advice on all aspects of family law – with no strings attached
Here at Bonallack & Bishop we won’t charge you for initial phone advice, and we offer a FREE introductory 30-minute interview with 1 of our family lawyers to help you get the ball rolling. and that can be by phone, face-to-face (where possible) or Zoom video.
Going through divorce? What’s the importance of having a new will?
Click here to read why our divorce Solicitor advise clients to make a new will when getting divorced?
Going Through A Divorce In Warminster? Looking For The Right Solicitors? Call Us Today
Call our family law solicitors today and we can help take the weight offer your shoulders during these difficult times
- Call us now on Salisbury [01722] 422300 or Amesbury 01980 622992 OR
- E-mail us using the online enquiry form below
Bonallack and Bishop, Bonallack and Bishop
Rougemont House, Queensberry House,
Rougemont Close, 5 Salisbury Street,
Salisbury, Amesbury,
Wiltshire Wiltshire